Mention Légale

The website belongs to the company SOLMED Alliance, SL CIF: B97546899, registered in the Register of Valencia, with the following inscription: Volume 8033, book 5326, page 194, V-101897. Address: C/ Menorca 19, 6-4.  46023 Valencia (Spain). You can contact us by email

This website is governed by the regulations exclusively applicable in Spain and the area that includes the European Union. Both, nationals and foreigners who use this Website will be subject to these rules.

Access to our website is free and is subject to prior reading and acceptance, expressly and without reservation of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE in force at the time of access, which we ask you to read carefully. The USER when using our website, its contents or services, accepts and expressly submits to the general conditions of use of it. If the user does not agree with the present conditions of use, she /he must abstain from using this portal and operate through it.

At any time, we can modify the presentation or configuration of our website, add or delete our content and services, even delete our website without prior notice.