SOLMED Fighting Against Malaria

SOLMED Alliance offers facility management services around the globe, operating in malaria endemic countries. Accordingly to our prevention programs, we strictly follow our malaria control plan to protect our employees on those areas.

Fortunately, we have the chance to access to the methods to fight against malaria, but there are still so many people who have no possibility to be diagnosed and treated and within our corporate responsibility with local communities, we work to combat this disease.

Malaria is caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Most malaria cases are in Africa where is essential using prevention methods such as insecticides and antimalarial drugs.

Our control and prevention malaria program is designed to protect our employees and their families and we also help citizens from areas where there are no sufficient resources to combat this disease.

The World Malaria Day is a date to further reinforce the world to fight against this disease. Our commitment is centered on protecting our working environment and securing the health of our employees and clients. To combat malaria it is vital to keep informing staff and clients about prevention and symptoms recognition, as well as implementing proper treatment and control to the successful eradication of malaria.