The Eirik Raude platform, one of the units of our client Ocean Rig, has celebrated the Weekly General Safety Meeting, and as usual we have taken part in this important action. These types of initiatives are associated with more than 2,000 days without LTA (Lost Time Accidents) and once again, we congratulate each member of the crew.
SOLMED Alliance staff are always thinking about Environmental, Health, Safety and Quality concerns and in this sense, we work closely with our clients. The use of personal protection equipment (PPE) and uniform, and the proper understanding of companies’ procedures and policies are essential to the accurate development of each task as well as to avoid accidents.
The company Ocean Rig stands out for its security systems and to ensure all its operations take place in a safe environment, applies strict procedures to its subcontractors. Likewise it complies with its commitment to conservation and environmental protection.
Safety is a team task and every step in the chain results crucial when caring for yourself and your colleagues. For that reason it is essential to be aware and notify if you see something which can cause an accident. These actions are part of care-card participation and team communication in which all members of the staff are involved helping in prevention of accidents.
Regarding the proper development of operations, it is also significant to do toolbox talks, LPO (Loss Prevention Observation) and handovers, as well as learning from errors and good practices of other companies to enrich our work. These are sections which are covered in our internal training courses.
As regards the relationship between health and food, from SOLMED Alliance, as catering services provider, we offer healthy food choices. In general, the quality of life improves having a healthy diet based on plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean poultry and fish. Also, it is beneficial to do some physical activity and exercise during the day, because this combination helps us prevent illnesses.
SOLMED Alliance EHS&Q department ensures that all its employees, customers and visitors are fully safeguarded and that is why we provide to our staff comprehensive information, instructions and trainings to create a safe environment around our work.
Our objective is to provide excellent facility management services and in order to accomplish this goal, it is necessary to care for our employees, clients and visitors.
Mr. Anderson congratulating Mr. Karol Polubinski the chef on care card of the week. Source: Ocean Rig. SOLMED staff onboard the Eirik Rauke platform. SOLMED staff onboard the Eirik Raude platform. Training for first aid team on the Eirik Raude. Source: Ocean Rig.